Sunday 4 December 2011

The South Bucks Winter Warmer 200

I had only just got my front wheel out of the car when I heard a 'Hello Els'!  'Hi Liam'!  Then there were Honor, Chris, Peter, Pete, Lindsay, Tim, Chris, Dasmoth, Scotlington ... and so, so many other familiar faces ....  and John!

Everybody was in good spirits.  It was going to be a mild day, a great route, a very well organised event.  I had only just got my front wheel out of the car and I was loving it already.  There were PBP chats, FNRttC chats (what do you mean you are not doing Southend!), RRTY chats, PBP vs BCM chats, what are your plans for next year chats ....

Pre-ride chats
Plans for next year .... I have plans for next year.  They are audax plans.  But whilst cycling around in the countryside, I was dreaming of a time when I'll do touring again.  Why can't I let go of audaxing and just go touring?  Why do I always need a challenge, a purpose, a theme?  One of the themes I have had in my mind is a Pancake tour (ref Severn Across 400): only eat where they can serve fresh pancakes.  Then you could graph my weight according to which country I'm in.  Well, yes, it started off as a tour in the UK only, but then I got hungry and had to go to Belgium.  Why not visit Normandy in France, also?  Would potato pancakes count in Poland?  Apparently New Zealand do a form of pikeletty pancake .... dreams....

Watch out!  After seeing Marcus' mate come off his bike, I wasn't so dreamy anymore.  I heard afterwards that Manotea came off also.  There certainly were a few tricky moments, and although I love cycling in woody lanes, I always seemed relieved to come back out in the open.   The compacted leaves on wet road are as dangerous as black ice.

I'd remembered Winnersh from previous rides.  It usually gets pretty cold by then, but not this time.  And neither was the control at the customary Sainsbury's either.  This meant I bumped into kebab van, selling chips.  Control or no control, I'm having chips!  That would make the last leg fly!

After Twyford, I was on my own quite for a long time.  I picked up my pace and was then relieved to spot red flashing lights turning out to be a groupette going steady behind ChrisB.  It was great to finish the ride in company.

Other thoughts
  • the wonderful and plentiful mushrooms on the leaf covered banks
  • expected Haselmere Christmas market to be on
  • hearing shooting at Bisley again
  • it was glorious with the sun out
  • not being able to pay for Sainsbury's snack items at the Sainsbury's cafe.
  • very nice welcome home at the finish control
  • 9 info controls, I used my dictaphone to record the answers
Photos are on the slideshow till the next ride or here: Clicky


Anonymous said...

Het doet deugd je prachtig verslag te lezen en zo blij dat je er zooo van genoten hebt.
Het is weer eens lectuur om opnieuw en opnieuw te lezen, en ook de foto's die je nam getuigen je oog voor schoonheid.
Meim en Peip xxx xxx

Kris said...

The" black ice" is the best part ...Ik voelde mijn eigen fietsband al uitglijden op die donkere , glibberige ,vettige bladeren...zo sprekend en herkenbaar. Zoals fietsen in het zand: het is gelijk sukkelen met een lepel in een suikerpot,op zoek naar je oorring die erin gevallen is!Ha ha
xxx merry Xmas!